Off Grid Micro HydroelectricĀ System
When purchased the land it was a blank slate. no buildings and no power. i started with some solar panels but soon realised that the welsh winter made solar only good for the summer. I had always planned to build a hydro electric system in the small stream. I set myself the challenge of designing and making a system that will power the house and workshop

Roundwood timber Framed Tool Shed
After i had built the roundhouse i was ready to move in full time but i had no place to put all my tools. i set to building a tool shed from the trees around me. myself and my friend Adam cut down some ash trees and started joining them up. two weeks later i had a 4.5m x 3m tool shed and it only cost about £200

Traditional Timber Framed Compost Toilet
When i first moved to the land i knocked together a make shift compost toilet, it had no door and was really just a few bits of wood, a tarp and a hole in the ground. I was single back when i built version one. I was lucky enough to meet the most amazing women, as tough as she is she did request a door. I decided to rebuild and make it a little bit nicer

Two Story Off Grid Earthbag Workshop
The eathbag workshop is the biggest project yet. it is a two story workshop that is dug in to the hillside. this project is still being built so keep coming back for more updates or check the youtube channel